Reconnecting to Our Roots and Branching Out

We would like to thank everyone who attended one of our recent meetings to reconnect and plan our forward direction together.  Our network’s success in bringing trauma informed awareness and practice to our Ocean City is driven by every one of its members.  By growing strong roots and keeping the ground well fed and nourished, we can grow tall, branch out and increase our reach; improving more people’s lives for the better.

Please find a link to the full PowerPoint below  – if you have any feedback for us, please contact Shelley and Nancy via

Trauma Informed Plymouth Reconnecting our Roots and Branching Out  – Full Powerpoint Presentation


Annual General Meeting Nov 2023 Minutes and Slides

This November saw the 2nd AGM of the Trauma Informed Plymouth Network.  It was lovely to get together in the same place and face to face since the impact of covid!

Here you will find the minutes and the slides used during the meeting.  The slides contain feedback from this year’s members’ survey.  Thank you to everyone who shared their voice and gave important feedback for our next steps and growth.

TIPN AGM slides 2023

TIPN 2nd AGM Minutes Nov 2023

Trauma Informed Plymouth Annual Report 2022 – 2023

Trauma Informed Social Prescribing Service

The Wolseley Trust social prescribing and health and wellbeing coaching teams have recently undertaken a project to enhance trauma informed…

Violence against Women and Girls Commission

In November 2021, Plymouth City Council announced a new multi-agency Commission to tackle male violence against women and girls in Plymouth.