Guest Speaker Session: Dr Ray Middleton 17th September 1pm to 3pm.

Using a Quest Narrative Approach to help ourselves and others

A webinar by Dr Ray Middleton



Ray has lived experience of surviving both childhood trauma and the psychiatric system and recovery from problematic substance use in the 1990’s. He has since worked in a variety of roles including managing services for people facing multiple disadvantages and being a care co-ordinator in an Early Intervention in Psychosis Service. He is an independent consultant and trainer delivering a 5 day strengths and rights based non-pathologising, trauma-informed workforce development programme which he has written.


On this webinar we will reflect, think together, discuss and explore practical ways in which a quest narrative approach may be helpful. Ray will outline the simple 6 question image he has developed to help people visualise their Quest. He will show how easy it is to then add in and introduce some ideas about how different kinds of power work, drawing on the Power Threat Meaning framework – including economic and material power, interpersonal and the power of belonging to a group – as well as how powerful sets of ideas can influence (positively or negatively) our life-journey to our preferred future.

We will think together about what powerful resources and people may Help us – and also what powerful things may Hinder and get in our way on our journey.

Ray will also explain how Trauma can effect our Quest-Narratives and show 5 simple ways we can change our narratives – or co-edit and co-create with others to help them change their life-narratives.

Here is the image Ray uses:

Peninsula Trauma Informed Conference July 2022

In July 2022, a collaboration between the Trauma Networks in Plymouth, Torbay, Devon and Cornwall resulted in the very 1st South West Peninsula-wide Trauma Informed Conference