Peninsula Trauma Informed Conference July 2022

In July 2022, a collaboration between the Trauma Networks in Plymouth, Torbay, Devon and Cornwall resulted in the very 1st South West Peninsula-wide Trauma Informed Conference exploring, reflecting, championing and celebrating transformative trauma-informed approaches for system wide change. 200 people joined us at the University of Plymouth with a further 120 joining online.

We were very proud to provide a platform for esteemed keynote speakers Nazir Afzal OBE, Dr Lucy Johnstone on the Power Threat Meaning Framework and Graham Chatterley from When The Adult Changes, Everything Changes. Afternoon workshops were facilitated by Dr Lucy Johnstone with Marc Gardiner from Zebra Collective on culture change, Graham Chatterley on practical ways to help children regulate, Prof. Luna Dolezal and Dr Haley Peckham on shame competence, Theatre Royal Our Space on co-production with people with lived experience and Ness Little on compassionate language.

Voodoo Monkeys treated us to a powerfully emotive excerpt of Today I Killed My Very First Bird – a theatrical exploration of lived experience told through poetry, performance & storytelling as a dramatic and redemptive finale to the conference. 

Contacts for Peninsula Networks:

Trauma Informed Plymouth Network

Embrace Torbay Trauma Informed Network

Cornwall Trauma Network

Devon Trauma Network

Join our movement for change

We aspire to help the city of Plymouth become trauma informed. Our independent Network is open to anyone connected to Plymouth with a desire to share experiences and learning around trauma. You too can join our Network and help Plymouth become a safer and kinder place, where the impact of adversity and trauma is both recognised and responded.